Company information

Company name: Aronab Company

Reg. no.: 160115

Location of reg.: Tehran

Date of reg.: 12.02.1999

Ownership type: private

Tel: (+98 21)44158543 - 4

Fax: (+98 21) 44158542

Postal address: No. 27 , 10th Alley 483885944

We are not the first, but we try to be the best.

Aronab Company was established in 1999 by legal entities and individuals who had the technical

knowledge and years of experience in various industrial fields, with the aim of development and

promotion of our beloved country of Iran.

During its time-span of activity, this company managed to obtain modern technical knowledge using

the skills of its professionals and through continuous collaboration with international companies took

great steps in various industrial fields, and embarked on with playing a substantial role in various fields

of industry, especially the oil and petrochemical industries, power plant industries, etc.

For the time being with the efforts by a team of experienced managers and engineers who have had

valuable experiences in industrial projects all over the country, this industrial unit is active in the fields

of consultation, engineering, manufacturing, installation and operations (EPC) in the following fields,

affecting structural changes in the companys activity procedure:

ater and waste water transmissions line (Boreholes, Pump Stations, Pipelines,...)

- Water And Waste water treatment Stations

Manufacturing and installations of Storage and Pressurized Tanks

Mineral Plants

- water filtration systems, including pre-filtration, resin works, ultra-filtration reversed


- domestic and industrial sewage filtration systems

- fire fighting systems, including fire alarm and fire fighting

- fuel supply systems and making fuel storage tanks

- de- watering and de-salting systems (de-Salter) from the oil

This company has also, proceeded with performing industrial projects in MC(contract management)

method, enjoying strong management thereof.<

During over two decade of productive activity, Aronab Company has always tried to keep the

dynamism of its organization in the field of technical and engineering services in the

aforementioned sections, while benefiting from the modern technology.

Company philosophy and goals:

Aronab Company is active in the fields of consultation, engineering, manufacturing, installation and

operations of water and wastewater treatment plants, Pipelines, water and wastewater

distribution networks ,do mestic and industrial sewage filtration systems,fire fighting

systems, fuel supply systems, and making Thickener ,pressurized tanks and storage tanks and

and de-salting systems(de-Salter)

Mission statement:

Our mission statement is to perform of a series of self-dependent and dynamic activities aimed towards

the promotion of the level of comfort and country;s industry independence. We will also try to achieve

such goals through training creative and talented professionals and using the experiences of the

experienced managers thereof.<


Our main goal is to become a is
