
As the time is going elapsing and science and technology become developed, various type of pipe that was made from different materials introduced to market. This issue makes an intense rivalry between pipe manufacturers. Multiple

factors are important for choosing most suitable pipe foruse in drinking water distribution pipelines. Technical characteristics should be matched with desired performance.

Investigation of cost effectiveness of pipe materials in short and long term usages is essential. In some cases, a pipe material has low cost and it seems more cost effective than other pipes but repair and maintenance cost is more than other pipes. Ductile iron pipes have some advantages in comparison with plastic, steel and GRP pipes but in the field of weight and cost effectiveness, there are some critics. New developments led to introduction of new generation of ductile iron pipe.

Light and low thickness ductile iron pipe that can plug to plastic pipes easily or replaced by damaged plastic pipes in pipelines is the new solution that represented according to the last developments in ductile iron pipes production technology.

It is very reasonable to use this kind of ductile iron pipe in comparison with other pipe materials. Economic reviews show that use of low thickness ductile iron pipe can improve the cost effectiveness factor to about 50% in comparison with common ductile iron pipes. Low thickness ductile iron pipes are really light, resistant to corrosion, little head loss in pipe line, easy tapping with restriction of illegal tapping,

compatibility with plastic pipes and low leak tightness that happens in pipelines can achieve about 20% cost reduction.